Friday, May 21, 2010

I Wonder..

..what his face would look like if they lifted up another layer of their niqabs..

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Some Home Truths...

Modesty and self respect do not manifest themselves from religion or rules, they are qualities that come from the heart - regardless of beliefs.. or no beliefs as the case may be. You might find the links interesting:

Miss USA..

(I've never understood why they choose immigrants to represent their country in these beauty contests anyway. I mean come on, there's being politically correct and then there's just being plain contradictory..)

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I'm really busy at the moment with uni stuff and exam revision, hence the lack of posts. But after exams are over I have the whole summer to post every single day lol. If you have made requests, I have read them all but you'll have to bare with me for now, sorry :S